In the Presence of Heros

In 1994 for the 50th Anniversary of D-Day I accompanied my parents and about 10 other men from his division to La Haye du Puits, a village his unit liberated. He and my mother were welcomed into the homes of the local townspeople with great admiration. He was honored and we all participated in the Anniversary Festivities.

The trip began in England. It was an amazing journey. We crossed by ferry to Cherbourg. This overnight crossing was long and arduous for these men, mostly in their late 70’s and early 80’s. I remember my father and the other guys commenting, “ this is as bad as the last time we crossed”.

Because of the many dignitaries involved, Besides President Clinton, the Queen of England, and the heads of state of other allied countries, the security was intense. I could not have been permitted to photograph without the help of Denise Kusel, Rob Dean, and Kevin Dolan from the Santa Fe New Mexican. My actual credentials arrived in what seemed like a scene from the war itself. While I was on a tour bus in Normandy the French Military stopped us at a checkpoint. Upon entering the bus they asked if David Scheinbaum was present. I was somewhat intimidated until they handed me the envelope with my security clearance credentials permitting me to photograph.

This trip was a long time dream for my parents. It was my mother's first time in Europe and the first time back for my father. These few days changed my relationship with my parents for the rest of all of our lives. With both of them gone now, I have the memory and pictures which I’m honored to share with you. I had never really kept a journal in a formal way and thanks to Denise Kusel, I promised to write each day. I did, and I’m glad. This supplement to the New Mexican, July 4, 1994, is the result of the trip.

This work is archived at the New Mexico Military Museum, Santa Fe, New Mexico

To view the article from the Santa Fe New Mexican click here